Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Well, we made a flying trip to Larry's daughter house in Chelsea AL.  Our granddaughter was getting married.  The wedding and reception was at their house in the backyard.  They have a beautiful house and 3 acres and their back yard slopes off to a lake.  Jen, Larry's daughter, ask her Dad if we could come on Thursday to help with the set up.  We arrived Thursday afternoon and started to work.  We worked hard Friday and even Saturday, since the wedding was not until at 6 Saturday evening.

The wedding went well.  A cold front was passing by and it was pretty cold and windy to be outside, but it did not dampen the festivities. The bride is only 18 and her new husband is 19 and plays college soccer.  So there were lots of young people including a whole soccer team.   The threat of rain caused the party to break up fairly early, which was a good thing because it might have gotten out of control.

The newlyweds are both still in college so there was no honeymoon.  Although her parents did pay for a hotel for the night.  They will be living with her parents.

Her is our granddaughter and her mother, Larry's daughter.  Don' the both look beautiful?

This is Larry and his daughter, Jen at the wedding.

Oh and bty we are going to be great-grandparents sometime in April of next year!!

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